starofhope Arc User


  • I do have herc as well but luring and swaping on a boss not the easiest task in the world especially with jewel lol. Soloing bosses for others is like a hobby for me was just tring to figure out if jewel could be added to my list. Sadly I find many needing help and I am the only one willing to help at that time with a…
  • This is one bug I will rejoyce when the fix goes in. Right now I have to stay out of towns due to others wings as well as not fly on my own bird. Seeing them move so fast literly gives me motion sickness. I am starting to think I may have to stay out of game till they fix this. b:sadb:surrender
  • Defnetly sounds like a mess to solo.... wonder how the one that helped me did it? Was busy hidding in a corner myself lol I just hear so many asking for help on him that i'd love to be able to help them. Oh well gives me a good reson to keep lvling with something to strive for ..some day jewel I will get you, some day...
  • KK I didnt relise jewel has a debuf. I know after 2 failed partys I fianly got him done when a lvl 84 veno with a elsyam fowl soloed him for me so I though with nix it might be lower. Guess I will just have to stick to doing the ground bosses for now that I have been doing.
  • Ah thanks I will try that . I never noticed if it was only when I steped in the water. Its a whole lot easier to watch my position than my pets. b:thanks I swear he has a mind of his own and it seems to want to find new ways to try and kill me... oh well he was a mob at one point as well before becoming a pet b:chuckle
  • Lol ya its a land pet but the water is too shallow for a water pet. Would just get a fail summon message if I tried. Its only about ankle deep in most deeper spots. Its just so funny and sad at the same time.
  • I will always choose a barbarian over herc even though I own a herc for many resions. Just to name a couple.. Human player can always react faster than a pet to things happening. Cleric healing a barbarian will always surpass a veno healing herc. I know this is one veno with herc that loves barbaians tanking and wants to…
  • Yesterday it was down to 120k. When I just checked its going back up again though b:sad Sad that Sanctuary seems the only one to not be getting back to the pre bug value... maybe in time ...we can all hope it will at least.
  • Thanks for all the answers. Sounds like I just need to make sure Ive got all the fb quests picked up then try and find some help for it b:pleased Guess ive just been running into bad luck on my fbs I even almost had to use wine on my fb 29
  • Thanks for the answers. Guess I will just keep most of what Im not wearing in my bank for saftey.