starcher Arc User


  • Grats on your victory: [HTML]<pre> .--..--..--..--..--..--. .' \ (`._ (_) _ \ .' | '._) (_) | \ _.')\ .----..---. / |(_.' | / .-\-. \ | \ 0| | ( O| O) | o| | _ | .--.____.'._.-. | \ (_) | o -` .-` | | \ |`-._ _ _ _ _\ / \ | | `. |_||_| | | o | \_ \ | -. .-. |.-. \ `--..-' O | `.`-' .' _.' .' | `-.-' /-.__ ' .-' .' `-.`…
  • I would also like to be able to modify the controls in the following ways: - Arrow Keys on keyboard should turn camera (yes I realize the right-click and drag to turn but the arrow keys rotating the camera is a habit in most MMOs I play) - Bind skill keys to Numpad (F keys for skills are inconvenient on a standard keyboard)