star021 Arc User


  • Thanks again for inviting me, You know i thought of something interesting if this wasnt suggested already. Why dont we have a treasure hunt filled with riddles and all that and whoever finds the stuff-with proof of screenshots of course ,and gets back to the orignal spot then they win a prize of the boutique albeit a small…
  • Yeah, its partially my fault haha due to this game being insanely addiciting i had to step off from it and sleep haha but i am back online
  • Tried messaging a couple of people but noones online, would love to hear from the faction. Thank you
  • IGN:Melilkai Class:Psychic Level:15 Timezone-Eastern Age-22 Gender-Male What i am looking for in a faction is a helpful one. I like being able to ask questions and have them awnsered, and i believe in a certain level of commitment. I like to have fun and being in a faction, means that your kinda like a family of sorts. I…