stancliff#1034 Arc User


  • PWI has always stood out for me since it had a macro system. Modern games are too fast and reflex based to allow such a system. I have left and come back several times and it saddened me to see the game pandering to the highest level players while taking material away from the 1-100 players, but this is also a case of…
  • 'Best' changes based on your resources... remember never to accpt hp and mp charms from the daily rewards until your old ones are gone and you 'know' that you need the extra boost, use potions when you can. > A low level guild can help you with bounty hunts, which give huge exp. If they let us run two accounts again, you…
  • a) I've tended to have almost 200k around lv 20-25, then it goes back down and I'm strapped for cash. b) It IS time consuming to travel around most of the map, but by lv 30 you can fly, so it costs time more than money. There is a good argument for selling all quest items in personal store for x3 face value and getting…
  • You haven't done quite enough to move on. You found the flute, but you have the opportunity to talk to the spirit again. Move across the bridge to the tree or building on the right and th espirit will speak to you again.