*Rides his imaginary unicorn*
I love how like 10 people posting in this thread seem like they wouldnt eat at all if this game were still up.
The forum admins are working to resolve server issues? O_o The tech support people are the thread cops?
Then the correct answer would have to be the amount of pancakes you can fit inside a dog house on the second day after the new moon while rowboating left-diagonally up a mountainside.
Nothing, because ice cream don't have bones.
Haha, guess all that can be done is to wait... and hope for the best. Man these server downtime threads always pile up quickly :P.
Much appreciated Vigor :D
So I should just go mostly Strength venomancer? (If strength effects the pets attack damage)
I have no idea which server I'm on :P. And ya I'm not too pleased with my current standing, so I guess I'll fiddle around with melee builds. Try out a blademaster and hope for the best. Still not too sure on what stats I should be going with. I'm assuming to reset your stats you need to pay real money? If so, does anyone…
Benefits of either Blademaster/Barbarian? And what should I distribute my stats as? (If you have any idea) XD
So should I try to find items that will help me get the prerequisites I need? Because I haven't been able to find anything :P!
Poor Americans :(! It's a good thing this game is free for those who want it to be :P. High gas prices... it's more expensive in Canada :O.
Redundancy ftw :D. I'm also deciding on the same thing; but its better if you just test it out yourself. What someone else may find fun, might not be the same for you.
So mages won't be good solo :O? Hmmm, guess if this game is good I'll be around long enough to test most of them out anyways XD!
Haha unfortunately I reached the level cap on Fiesta... 79. Then I did it again... another 3 times T_T. Ya it consumed a good some months. Anyhoo, still waiting on the game download completion ^_^. Anyone wanna be my mentor or something XD... teach a noob the ropes?