I'm fairly certain my nickname says September 2008 when I'm pretty sure I joined in August. We'll see. Edit: ...July? Lol? Well my first post on here was July 30th, so I'm still not convinced it works when you created your account, just when you posted on here.
I noticed a bug as far as squads go. My friend created a squad, and set it to free distribution. But when her computer died and it automatically passed lead to another person, it changed to random distribution. So, since we weren't sure what exactly had happened, we disbanded the party and created another one, also set to…
Seems about time to just link everyone to one of your posts, eh? XD
This is what's causing the confusion. People's countdowns in other countries have already ended, and the countdowns are different on different time zones. Each and every countdown goes until 0:00 on August 19th, in every time zone. So it looks like someone in, say, Central time zone gets on an hour after someone in…
Read the pages before please? :D? The timer is set to your computer, not the other way around. It's not accurate for the server opening times.
Ahaha, lurking? XD
....It's the 19th for some people already o___o;;
For me, this is something to do till I go out and get my new laptop today. XD I can't get into anything important, I am. =X
What makes you say Eastern time? From what I've seen, I believe it's going to be Pacific time o__o
...Calling someone their name isn't exactly an insult. XD
The timer on the main page goes off of your computer clock. o__o;; So that's not when it opens, just when it hits midnight where you are. =/
I'm trying not to think about it. XD
YUS >D <3 Hm. "Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters." How odd. o_O
I could always log in, it was connecting to a server that I couldn't manage to do. :p
.....But I want my names for CB. XD
I was brainstorming names the other day, and I just know I'd be really upset if the names I spent so long thinking of were taken because i went to bed and wasn't up when it opened. u__u
I wanna be on as soon as it opens for the purpose of getting the names I want for my characters. x3
Your time zone must have hit zero already, right? It counts up after that. =X
....Have fun for the 15 or so hours you'll be doing that. XD
I used to hate MMOs, but my sister slowly got me interested by showing me cutesy games with adorable graphics. XD And then my best friend battering me to play helped too. Now I'm not even allowed to talk about Perfect World around my family anymore, because they're tired of it and it hasn't even come out yet. XD
My thoughts exactly. XD My poor sister has to work the next day, but she wanted to get on for a few minutes as soon as it opened. But 3 AM is too late for her, so she'll have to get on in the morning. She needs sleep. XD
The timer goes off of your computer, not the other way around. =/
-! XD
All the MMOs I play are recommended by my best friend, who's a girl, and I play with my sister. XD So I guess I've never noticed the lack of girls. Although I notice when guys use all girl characters o_O
*poses* Not old pedobear...? :D?
It didn't "fix itself" started counting up. XD
...Everyone seems to be fighting over nothing. x___x;; Just thought I'd point that out.
3 AM?! D: Nooooo! xD I figured it was either set to my time zone (because so many things are in NY), or to Pacific time zone (because of CA). I guess I'll just have to wait until 3...? *sob*
Is anyone else wondering about the time differences, and how it's going to affect the release? o__o;; Because my friend's clock says an hour later than my clock says to release. I'd feel kind of bad if I got first because he happens to live in Central time zone x__x;
Poor sile's question was barely answered in the flame war that seemed to break out on this thread. .___.;;