squishy359 Arc User


  • I lol'd I think they have a bermabone for BigDiamond too b:laugh
  • still having this issue :(
  • that looks awesome on a cleric!
  • I keep a makeover scroll in my inv just for that. Generally you're given the option to fix it or be banned. Thanks for the concern though. So many people have their files edited on LC that frankly, it's easy to forget your char looks any different lol
  • I understand what you're saying better now. On my server salary is pretty commonplace.
  • It might be hard at the moment since TW reset is right around the corner and many guilds are trying to buff up so they can take land. I'd suggest watching worldchat. I know I've seen guilds recruiting around your lvl recently..I believe there was one called FUNSOULS (think that was it). Anyway welcome back and good luck…
  • I did. You're saying people only care about getting money from TW. And my point, and TempleSlave's point, is that members in a real TW faction are loosing money by TWing every week even if their guild uses almost all the funds to pay salary. Therefore, it makes little sense that people would join and stay in a TW guild for…
  • She means $2 worth of coin, sherlock. b:chuckle The point is, even with salary the members aren't going to be making money. People don't join and stay in those serious TW guilds to get rich. And why is my sig messed up again >:
  • I think if you want a screen shot to get somebody banned you should prolly try to capture one that shows something OTHER than a red named player. For example: I was trying to get through SP and couldn't cause the area was being camped by a 90+ barb. I knew I couldn't prove he was camping, so I whispered to him that he had…