sweetiebot, farm me Twilight Emperor: Vacuity 20 time during 2x
SweetieBot, tell me something what you feel?
SweetieBot, farm me Holeen, Champion of Fientazzar 1000 times
SweetieBot report server status please.
SweetieBot, farm me Holeen, Champion of Fientazzar x1000
Sweetiebot forge ☆☆Boots of the Ocean: Sol for me! and Sweetiebot forge ☆☆Boots of the Ocean: Sol for me! and Sweetiebot forge ☆☆Boots of the Ocean: Sol for me! and Sweetiebot forge ☆☆Boots of the Ocean: Sol for me! and Sweetiebot forge ☆☆Boots of the Ocean: Sol for me! and Sweetiebot forge ☆☆Boots of the Ocean: Sol for…