And.......... Tikana Wins The Race!!!!!
Hey Guys so this is where youve been hidding from me at!!!
OK You Know The Drill Get Agenst The Wall And SpreadUm. You To Mr GM
GM Help!!! PM ME PLEASE IM STUCK IN A WALL!!! "GM" Says "dont worry ill have you out in a min." I said get me out NOT put you me and 2 others in here with us!! GM Says "Really how many do you think it takes to do my job these 2 are here to help. They will pull while I push." OUCH!!!! YOUR PUSHING THE WRONG WAY!!! GM say "I…
ok guys this going to hurt a bit "snap" the sound of a cold plastic glove. Now you know you got to stop doing this just to get out of not wanting to go to work. This is last time im wrighting you a note..... Ouch says hume in the middle!! "What are you doing? Its just our mounts in for a Cheak Up!!!" Doc says "Sorry all…
Somebody Please Tell Them To "Pull Them Back Up And Sit Down The Doc. Wont Be In Intell Noone." Thank You.
And these are the leaders of our PW!!! someone get them a helmet!!!! while they are waiting for shortbus to come.
who passed out the potions marked with the dizzy lookin skull on it? and where can i buy some?
look they playing butts up on the hand ball in west court!! some one get me a ball ill nail the **** on the on the end.