smitherssss Arc User


  • SmurfJegeren was selling one today , he might still wanna sell it
  • i loll'd so hard b:laugh
  • you do not provide enough information.... What level are you? which class you play? what type of gear you have, which build you have, which kind of refinement on gear you have, which shardings you have, which kind of weapon you have..... Simple solution to check whether you can or cannot solo... Try to duo it with a cleric…
  • tysm Skai for your advice. I <3 your video's on youtube :D Are there other opinions aswell from the other sins?
  • Here is my 2 cents, mystics their pets are more meant for support DD, they arent really capable of tanking, unless u spam heal your pet. Mystics with a phy def gear set can reach 9k phy def +nature barrier+salvation can really tank bosses. so imo mystics are awesome, a mystic can tank a boss, self heal , falling petals,…
  • My mystic has 2 sets of gear. In terms of -chan it has -51 channeling and with that I can cast NV+2x AS which does huge damage. I can heal much faster and cast spells in between heals. for example when . Cast NV+heal the tank/pet and still would be able to pull off absorb soul. If I am up to AOE mobs which does phy damage,…