When will PWI finally come to the conclusion.. THIS IS NOT THE CHINA SERVER!!!! These changes even with the refund is utter drastic and going to DESTROY game play. I can see this being the COMPLETE down fall of PWI Internations. And they will just have to STAY in China and not worry about OUR income we bring. 7 Fights at…
This was AWESOME fun.. We should do it again soon <3
How about just make a NEW ONE!! Possibly use some of the instances that pwi has entrances to but can't get into.. Or definitely make the Arena work, where you can choose to Pvp Team or individual Style?? HOORAH!! The last one I can think of is Cave of Sadistic Glee, this one you have to be a fair level, as well as there…
I think that you should JOIN a pvp server if this is what you want.. and the answer: no culti bosses are in here is RIDICULOUS!! You can NOT get into OHT without FROST and you can not finish your 100 CULTI without OHT!! This is just an excuse and it all needs to be changed.. I get the idea of wanting to create a place that…