LMAO OMG love the QQ when u guys die in vent, I dont know who died more u the archer or maybe the other 5 ppl u had out there (btw didnt see them in the vid) u should be able to kill a 50 and 70 with 4 barbs ,Wiz, Archer, and Bm. When ever u have 2 pts ready for another war u know who to pm. Until then be ready b:laugh…
Stop QQing, If u leave sz red with out dolls ur gonna lose something, Zinova,Saveless were not there when u were pking lowbie's they showed 5mins after i got there, only one i heard QQing was u for 10mins about ur HH carry dolls next time. Dont pick on my guildies i'll find u . Have fun b:kiss LOVE U 7thCircle b:victory