I see what you mean, I guess I should've explained that the difficulty getting the skill as why it's so underrated as you can't see many people using it ever. I'm finding sellers for Morai skills alot more then pages at that time but I see what you mean.
I personally think the most Unappreciated Skill for seekers has to be Duelist's Glee, this is for a number of reasons, it's a very rare skill being lv 100 and requiring Chrono pages, so that lowers the amount of seekers that have it, and most don't care for it because it costs Chono pages in the first place. This means…
The fact of the matter is, you don't NEED to be a LA seeker, it's not something to focus on, you'll end up being able to wear LA anyway, so if you have it and the increased magic defense is something that will help more then the reduced defense will hurt, go for it. (Niche Role) Don't get me wrong you're going to want HA…
NSW and Sac. Slash do not last long enough you use to vortex, and dropping and reapplying it is just an imprudent use of sparks. Heart/Mind shatter should last an entire boss fight, you'd be better off going through cycles of your faster casting skills and using blade affinity and adding in your stronger and slower hitting…
NW is really fun, and at this point i'm skipping out on doing RL stuff in lieu of running around and getting my butt whipped. But seeing as how i need coin for things i cannot get NW c i'd like for the price to stay up so i can get better gear, which would lead to me doing better at NW.
As a demon seeker, i don't really have a problem at all, i can use demon spark to get aggro whenever needed very survivable, and getting really good aps is going to be a pain, but something i can wait for.
This would be really nice, but as a demon seeker: YAY. Sage just always looks better a face value, more so if you don't plan on attaining any worthwhile amount of ApS.(I want to after I've finished on good set of gear). Hope this helps seekers as a whole, and makes demon seekers a little more attractive when it's culti…
I think that these ideas could just be tacked on to other classes. Or maybe all classes would have the ability to get these skills Seeker BMs and Barbs get Paladin(Id say General or Champion though), Archers and Sins (Maybe Venos) get the Hunter. And Everyone else can get (some) necro skills. I think it being worked this…
What was meant by Square Formation being a pain?
Seekers do need str to keep aggro, as with any tank, but there are other ways to gain aggro, just because battousai dosen't auto-bump you to the top of the aggro list does not mean it isn't helpful, It does help with tanking, and its also our only spammable metal skill. I for one am going to try for 100 vit, 255 str and…
The Heart Shatter Desc. itself says that damage received from skills that deal Physical/Metal dmg will be increased, but at the same time it says that it lowers resistances to Phy/Metal as well. I have not seen dmg increases on auto-attacks from reduced resistances, but i'm not very observant. b:surrender