Eevn in PWI.. your bound to find some asses!
I just dont give a rat's, a horse's or a raptor's **** about it!
Now thats what i call a "Wall Of The Weird"... or shour i say "Weirdo" ?
Auto-Path leads to freakin' Wall...
Is the Boutique selling grafitty spray again?
4 Tails are soooo last year! I want nine!
Tikana: "HEY! The grass is really greener on the other side!!!"
Some ppl are just my Flyes in the wall.
So China is now officially part of PWI thanks to the new expansion.
Tikana: "Hey FrankieRay, is this a bad time to ticket you?"
Maartnewborn: "This never happens in the movies!"
Another bunch of smartasses!
ACME walls give me headaches!!!
Tikana: "Teacher... are we still grounded?"
FrankieRay: "I don't understand! This doesnt happen in StarGate!"
"I was good avoiding falling ACME anvils.... but then they decided to throw walls as well..."
Now.. thats what i call hugging the wall!
PWI 101: Keep the wines for your FB Runs!!!