shuttle Arc User


  • Yeah, I can understand that. Look at the PvE server forum though, already 21 responses. 10 here and like 4 are mine =/
    in Show Comment by shuttle September 2008
  • It's true though sadly, today PvP server none of the normal people who are annoying in shout were on. I would normally attribute that to the fact its last day and only a few hours left...but, yesterday I heard so many in shout saying they had school -.-;
    in Show Comment by shuttle September 2008
  • Most of those hardcore "PvP'ers" are still in school. Not saying anything about the PvP server, but a TON of them are still in school...wait, I might be saying something here.
    in Show Comment by shuttle September 2008
  • *crickets*
    in Show Comment by shuttle September 2008
  • Updater's are simple file size checkers (most of the less advanced ones, like this one and RF Online) So they will only update a file if its file size/date is different. So listen to the mod unless you like to re-install. Although I highly doubt they would release something on the patch server that was bad. Better safe…
  • LoL how could RQ make people want to go PvE, they are just about the worse guild I've ever met. They can only fight in packs and then they call it PvP, catch people off guard. Seriously the only time Ive been killed by RQ is when they get 2-3 stunners on me then 2-3 other randoms. Thats how horrible they are at the game.…