Yes i've black voodoo on but i've it for both attacks so... for example with terrestrial foxwing they are fire type and they throw like fire balls that deals me arround 300 and if they attack me with physical attack deals me ~320
I see thx Another question. When a mob atacks me with physical attacks it hits me arround 300dmg but when mobs attack me with magical attacks they hit me arround 300dmg too... and i've 400 phys def and 2400 def on elements... why i get the same damage? I though i'd could be more resistant against magic attacks
About soulburn i just got it and i was testing it on mobs. I have 4850 soulforce but the mobs who attack me recive 3,2-4k but no the 4850 of my soulforce... why? i thought that this skill deal the damage equals your soulforce
Ok. I solved my doubt sorry.
What's better... buy an armor with for example 300 resistance in all elements or 600 in 2 or 3 elements?
Another question... at lvl 59 you have to choose between earth vector and psychic will? which one is preferable to take?
Ok ty i'll do it next time if someone it's really annoying
Looks cool. Can you make a video? I was searching it in youtube time ago but i didn't find it nowhere
Thank you for the answers b:pleased
yes, the reason for add dex was the critical rate. A question about spirit points... are they a problem in this class too? i mean i see psy don't have so many skills like other clases And i was watching the skills in and soul of stunning only increases the mana when lvl up... it's…
Sorry for the offtopic but what fists are those?
A question about the exhaustion time. It runs while i'm offline or the X hours i have to spend them online?
But i didn't i've 42 vit
But how many str requiere them? because i mean i want use fists lvl 100 for example at endgame but i want use a good axes but if i use fists lvl 100 maybe i'm not gonna have suficient str to use many axes i don't know...
And what would be a good dual axe for endgame to complement a fist weapon lvl 100? I mean at lvl 100 i want to wear fist lvl 100 then i can't have suficient str to wear axes lvl 100 but i want an axes for aoes... maybe star axes?
When have i to stop putting points in str without gear using axe weapons? because if gear gives you additional points then maybe there is a moment that you don't need to put more points in str.
Ty for reply And what would be a good stat to stop putting vit? 40? 50? and then go 6/4