Yes, keep the forums clean. So we won't have to go through countless pages of posts from totally different users. We need some order darn it! all 3 of us. In reality, what's the point? Even if gold resellers came here, they'd be disappointed due to the low number of eyeballs on their post. The mods probably log in every…
For any new player wondering, No. The game isn't worth playing for the player base alone. Yes, the average account still here has probably been here for 10 years plus. Despite what it may tell you to contradict it. Like mentioned previously, One account uses 20 different ones to log in. So if it's 200 players surrounding…
> @healer#2697 said: > well. if you really wanna ask. then 5k event gold. 800 for perma flyer. 4.2k - for fashion needs. That would really help. honesty. agree with this> @heero200 said: > Lastly Kalyst has been the best PM/GM we have had in a while trust has nothing to do with experience. At lest PWI is getting the…