shibby08 Arc User


  • I think it would be great to have mentoring systems. Like, bonus exp given or totkens to trade in for ingame gold for the shops? That would be really nice. Maybe even some special mounts avalible only token trade in for so much help done? reward good deeds gems? or something like that, it would be super sweet.
  • i think it should be free, but if soemone types in all caps or spams random thingys over and over again they have a chat ban and can't type to anyone or whisper anyone for a set number odays, and if repeated just ban them fromt he server completely? that could solve spam? You know like some chatrooms do. Also the help line…
  • While thats an interesting idea to have, what would happen if you were guild leader? and you made a new character? This is still a semi new game, so they have lots they can improve on, and time to do it. I play eudemons and since 2006 they have come a long way, but they dont have near the options that perfect world does,…
  • Well, the point of houses could be like a whole extra storageor something? Guild halls would be nice to have too. If they would give houses, make it so you have to get so many matierals to build it, and a level requirement to even start, and justt build it outside of towns, where ever, and if its not kept up, have it…
  • I personally think it would be really neat to see more, but as it is with all the customization as it is, only class that really needs work are the barbarians. Everything else can wait til they give that class a better selection.