the 3rd tier was supposed to be an S chest, it wasnt, it was a pack, which is just a chance. The tier 2 was actually A chests. Thats why they kept saying come get your free S card. It was supposed to be an automatic but they still screwed it up. So are they going to fit it, since the promise was an S card?
What happened to getting an S card? We didnt get an S chest we got a pack and most of those cards are just B. Are we going to get another chest with our S cards since this got screwed up?
Class: Cleric Skill: Magic/Physical Defense buff Logic: We have skills that decrease others defense but also decrease our own, because clerics normally have such little hp, a defensive buff would be of great use since when fighting mobs we often have to stop to place a heal on ourselves where a buff with resist would make…