seventhhell Arc User


  • I cast Resurrect on the thread before it was dead. u_u' If mystics are more for dd, then they should add more physical atk to Chiryu, it's weak D: And I do think Cragg should last 5 ou 10 seconds longer >:B The problem with Cragg not being considered a true summon is that in fact (and unfortunatly) it is a summon. And as…
  • It's been quite some lvls since my Devil isn't that much useful anymore. It might be out of question to make crag perm. but they could raise Devil's physical defense. I'm not talking about any kind of new herc for mystics, but a veno lvl 70 can solo bh39 and no, she doesn't need a herc for that. My lvl 64 Devil can't even…