serv78 Arc User


  • There is no problem with game files, because I run verification and it was successful. After that I try to run PW only from elementclient in terminal. And my system ask me to install NVidia driver.. So I start game after this all.. I dont know what I shall do... Today I try to install directx 9 from terminal (I read a…
  • I try once again PW on Ubuntu 10.10. so I check regestry and add library, that u talking about. I have wine 1.3.22 (I didnt reinstall it to 1.2.x) Then I run PW from terminal and see:katrin@katrin-desktop:~$ cd Perfect\ World\ Internationalkatrin@katrin-desktop:~/Perfect World International$ cd…
  • omg.... I really don't understand anything, because my english is not so good.. but I try.. so, have u see this my post this is from kubuntu... but I couldn't run elementclient from terminal on ubuntu 10.10 like in last post I've written. I will try kubuntu 11.04 (because I like it more). I think it doesn't matter what…
  • Help me please. I install Ubuntu 10.10 to try PW and everything like in this tutorial. but I have mistakes with installing DirectX. So game dont open - it crached when I started elementclient.exe. Then I delete DirectX and try once again... I have this when I started elementclient: Please answer me what I should do to…
  • I have ubuntu 11.04 (kubuntu) and i dont know how to run PW.. i just have installed game from Windows. and i put it to home directory in linux. so, i have wine 1.3, but when i click start in launcher it failed. in terminal i have this errors: what should i do???