There ISN'T a "Best" PvP class, archers are good.. yeah but so are wr's and mg's.. and wf's.. -_- it all depends on how you build your char and how SKILLED you are when PK time comes. As simple as that.
Paper? Food? could you please use terms we all can understand faruxue? make your point clear if you want to argue about some topic. Everybody made a point on this post except.. you with your.. cheap insults? perhaps you shouldn't talk because you're not really saying anything helpful. :)
Hey. Yep been a while, good you'll come over here too.. one more pro pk'r to aim for :p lol jk anyways thanks, luck to you too.
And @ Koz you CAN have this gear if you want, It's take a while to get but it's perfectly possible to get. @ Faruxue this post was meant to show the players how far can you take a high lvl player on this game, not meant to foolish as you think?. to everybody else that reads this - Private servers are to TEST BUILDS. Get…
Crappy gears huh? that's funny. And why don't you post your own pics? share them with us. I've played on private server.. yes but i also have lv99 EA on Cn server and 92 on MY-EN so then it doesn't matter at all :) don't think you know more than us, having a big mouth don't take you anywhere dude, see ya in-game ;)
Full agi, 3 of my armor pieces are +12 though.. and my necklace adds +5% hp so ya..
It just depends on how you play it.. and of course in the gears you have. With a semi-high physical defense EA can perfectly hold a WR/WB hitting them with hiero in close range whil spamming light skills that do full dmg even in close range... also depends if you get lucky with the crits or the misses.. stuns etc etc..
Xbow has more max damage, Bow is like the most balanced weapon of the 3, sling hits really fast but it doesn't worth it unless you have +3 or more on it. But mostly it's up to your game style and of course what you want it for... if you want it for PvP mostly then xbow is your choise if you want for PvM then bow.
The point on leveling during CB other than just testing for the bugs and testing the game in general (for the new people) is pretty much take advantage of the events that will take place during it. That will probably (i hope) give nice prizes such as gold, items etc for OB.
PW-CN Cayennez lv99 Delphi SeBastiaN lv80
Uhm nice at the CB events and i guess the wait to see the rates will worth.. really hope it's not 100x or something.. >_<. Anyways thanks for the quick repply xarfox, shows that the admins are really taking care of the community. :)