seaspray0 Arc User


  • First, gratz to regenesis for having such a big powerful faction, there's no denying that. The vast majority of the players are helpful in the game and nice, so nothing personal. But here's my perspective. I know several factions that'd like to even hold 1, just 1 territory. As long as Regenesis holds so much of the map,…
  • When? WHEN? You said this was going to happen in about 3 weeks over a month ago. Is PWI handing us a BS story and hoping this all blows over?
  • 1. Well said, Hera_aether. <applause> 2. Dan is.
  • You are free to duel to your heart's content without fear of dropping gear (you guys were doing that anyway just ouside of orchid temple). I will soon be free to find squads again and do BH 29 without getting killed by pk'ers camping the secret passage. The game dev's gave you guys a treat and it was abused severly by…
  • No one you know. And yet you don't deny that high level players are killing lowbies. Tell me, how many players do you see looking for a BH 29 squad anymore? There used to be several at all hours of the day. Now nothing. Why do you think that is? Because the pk'ers are being nice? Lets get real here. Perhaps not you or your…
  • low level players have a dmn near 100% chance of getting one shotted by people like you in the secret passage. Not a good place. But I forget, you are only thinking of yourself.
  • I've been killed 3 times in there in the last 2 days and all I wanted to do was quest. The game dev's claim that players wanted an area where players could pvp and not lose gear. Well this has already existed. It's called a DUEL and it can be done ANYWHERE. Allowing players to force pvp against low lvl blue names is…
  • I tried both ticketing and doing the "report hacking" button and the issue still persists. There's been a player mining minerals on the east side of king of the old hill 24 x 7. It's a bot, plain and simple. It follows the same