scooterwolf1 Arc User


  • thank you for all your help guys and input b:victory a few others in guild iam in have said same sorta things will try your ideas out on our next TT runs cheers and ty again
  • i agree with you Me and my parter worked out the other night for us to buy a herc or Nix useing RL money would cost us $290 in newzealand dollars ( which is about 200 US) there noway we gonna pay that for just one pet or fork out another $290 for another pet for my parter * when bills and food come first in this household*…
  • Does anyone pay to keep the herc or any other pets skills up to date every 20 lvls (200k each book) each pet can have up to 4 skills so there 800k all up every 20 lvls plus keeping your own skills upto date ?? i dont think so i have a armour bear and sticking with her (Huggles) i can pull lure amp purge use leanding hand…
  • Veno without a herc = Fails Hell No i say it make you better veno if u dont have one * u learn what u can and cant do * each and every veno on here is diffrent in their own way from AA to HA builds to having a herc or no herc i for one arnt gonna go out and get a herc just because *Someone says i should or its better for…
  • heres my veno and my only toon i think she pretty cool and hot LOL