I found that what i sacrificed from going from S2 nirv to S3 nirv was completely worth it as my mag and phys def really increased significantly and i didn't really notice the speed which i lost all though it sucks that there isn't any channelling on the pant but i guess its ok. Here's what my gear looks like once i have…
Well before casting expel you can cast purify and then press expel if you're trying to protect other squad members as then the purify purifies the inability to attack thing (dont know what its called) but the immune to phys damage remains. hope it helps
I am a cleric as well and i farm warsong like crazy lol. What i found really helpful while defending a pav is that at first to try defending with someone taking the head to see how it is. The most important thing while defending is to have a decent refined weap. With your r8 weap i would say +5 should be enough and since…
I like the idea of maybe adding supply tokens to nirvana because the nation wars timing doesn't suit me therefore i can't get the supply tokens i need and it would really help for those who can't go to nation war but still need to get supply tokens
I haven't been able to do any surveys for the past two months since every time i go to the earn zen page it says no surveys available b:angry