sarek Arc User


  • yes but they can only be aquired in different versions of pw so i didnt list them. the mounts i listed are all the mounts in pwi. i would assume that the rest will eventually make it to pwi seeing as most the items in pwi are also in pw-my-en (the Malaysia version)
    in Mounts Comment by sarek November 2008
  • hmm i guess when i have an extra 1 mil laying around i will have to try to make a standard weapon glow :)
  • This is all well and good but what about weapons? can u make a weapon glow by putting a soulstone in it? or do only certain weapons glow?
  • Swift Whitewind lvl1: 8 m/s lvl11: 9 m/s Silver Mane lvl1: 8 m/s lvl11: 9 m/s Violet Lightning lvl1: 8 m/s lvl11: 9 m/s Hope that helps :)
    in Mounts Comment by sarek November 2008
  • There are a total of 14 mounts in game that i know of: 1: The Panther, (black) 10 gold from cash shop 2: The Polar Bear, (white) 10 gold from cash shop 3: The Elephant, (grey-ish white) 20 gold from cash shop 4: The Deer, (brown with white spots) 20 gold from cash shop 5: The Kirn, (hmm hard to say its mostly blue-ish with…
    in Mounts Comment by sarek November 2008
  • Hey did u see the flying mounts page? I REALLY want the dragon! and I have better pictures!!!!! The Black circle is around me at the time the red circle is around the dragon I want!! (The Picture was taken during the PWI trivia contest on the Heaven's Tear server)…
  • Well here is my suggestion: how about a time schedule for when we can expect stuff like mounts and things to get from PW-MY to PWI? For example I REALLY want the untamed flying mount called "Two-Headed Wurm" (aka Dragon!!) and I know it is in PWI it just is not for sale yet. So when will it be? Here is the Proof: :) The…
  • LOL agreed ROTFL Defiantly agreed Have you seen the Leopardite Canisblades near sundown town? talk about gross :) (the coordinates are 147 582)
  • I have to agree: it would be easier if the cs things were cheaper but how else will you learn how to save your money? lol And another thing after I lost almost all my money to Jolly old "The Con-man" Jones ( b:angry ) i went from 100k to 1 mil in approximately 10 hours (about 2 hours or 100k - 200k a day) by grinding the…
  • Only Lost City? :( Well could you do the same thing on Heavens Tear so i can join please? :) "SomebodyTwo" "Heavens Tear" "Untamed-Venomancer"
  • uh this is probably the wrong place to ask this but what is the "underwater Dragon Palace event"? thanks in advance
  • I had just won midnight (the ride mount) when about 60-90 seconds later the servers crashed. now i spent 560,000 coins on the event which took me over 2 months to acquire since I don't have any real money to spend on the game :( PLEASE tell me there is a way to get it (midnight) back because if i have to grind for another…