No I just keep getting disconnected from the server..but that may just be my internet connection?
OH great now i have to go pick up my mom's prescription!! UGGHHHH!!
It's 3:03!!!! Why are the servers still down!! AHHHH! I think i'm going to pull my hair out!!!
I usually don't eat while i'm playing because i hate getting crumbs and stuff on my laptop..but I usually have an overstock of Blue and Red Powerade in my mini refridgerator in my room. If i do decide to eat while i'm playing, it'll be a PB & J Sandwhich or Bologna Sandwhich..hmm i think i actually might got whip up a…
omg another hour? Well that's good because iwas starting ot having computer now that that's fixed...i gues i'll go get something to eat and watch MTV until OB.....i think they are just trying to tease us lol!
Go add all my CB friends and start questing and leveling up! I'm still trying to decide what my 1st class is going to be. I used Archer in cb and it was ok..but now i'm trying to decide between Cleric, Venomancer, or Wizard...any suggestions?
It will be 12am your time when OB is launched!