rottsx2 Arc User



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  • In tw a barb shouldnt need to attack when pulling a cata.first thing you do when you enter the tw is pop a white tea for 2 sparks get a cata then head down assigned lane. A barbs concern is first not getting ahead of the offense running down a lane. If they do its nothing for a bm to rush in, stun them, use dragons, have a…
  • deciding the make of your barb should depend on the guilds you are going against. If you can roll all the guilds on your server, then make a demon barb, R9, all vit, and like 580 str, 60 dex, 305 or so vit. dont bother with fists. you wont die in tw if you got a good squad in tw. you will have around 33k hp and thats…
    in TW Barb Comment by April 2012
  • I have never been one to use the roar skill other than to quicken the BH51 run back in the day. Isn't it a useless skill? No, roar is not a useless skill. from lvl 8x to around lvl 93 you should invoke,roar,beastial rage at every pull. If you do not use roar then beastial rage in fc at the end of every pull, u dont build…
  • I'm curious as to what kind of damage you do with this build. What are your numbers for crit hits and how is this build for pvp. When you spark in pvp do you do good damage? I am sage and hit pretty hard but I use R9 wep that is +11 . just curious as I am still thinking about going demon. Thanks
  • - As 5th skill on genie : True emptyness ? (which i always did like after all as can be cast at 1 energy left and still get shield effect) or I was told Absolute domain but cost seems to be quite high with already alpha male and ToP on it...Not the affinities required for cloud eruption else would probably take that...…
  • Genie right now Zeal level 76 : 57/70 lucky points, alpha male 8, ToP 10, Tangling Mire 10, Solid Shield 10, str 54, des 32, vit 38, magic 34 (with a few orbs, mirror equiped), planning to get Absolute domain at lvl 80 if 60 luck points. So far the lp with this genie is looking really good. Hopefully it stays going this…
  • For the full set: all 4 pieces of armor , the ring , weapon , belt you will need : medal of glory = 19 general summer tokens = 205 Start opening them packs!
  • i carry 2 genies. 1 for pve and the other pvp. pve currently has : solid shield alpha male tangle mire relentless courage reflective aura also with this genie i tend to add/remove skills from time to time pvp genie has: extreme poison occult ice true empti tree of prot tangle mire holy path hope this helps ya
  • Having a gold genie helps in pvp. Have true emptiness, holy path, extreme poison, occult ice, tangle mire, ToP, absolute domain. I made my genie very high in strength.(95) with these skulls lvl 10 true empti has crit at 35k. I can 1 shot most 7x and some 8x. Holy path is great with wiz and archer. There is no way for them…
  • Again, thanks for the replies. Hopefully this will answer questions for others that are in smaller factions that do not want to TW . I am on the harshlands server, dont Pk ppl unless i get attacked ( like last night, so sorry for that zulu with her nix..haha) I help out in bh,fb etc when i can for whoever needs help. I…
  • You are right, i made a mistake in adding them all up! it is 3135 unbuffed. thanks for pointing that out DangerField. and ty for the advice on sharding!
  • you are right..sorry mods! i forgot to look b:surrender
  • I been playin around with pots n stuff to see what will help with hp. a genie skill that does help is tree of life. i also took some tokens and got some crab meat jiaozi from the boutique dealer. that heals for 3500 hp and u get 50 of them, the cd is pretty quick. for a backup i also made some lvl 4 pots called principle…
  • After step 3 you need to go to the gate of delerium and stand inside the alter ( pillar ) in front of the entrance. You will get a message. Then go back to drunken warrior (step 4 ). You will then get a message to kill morphexxis in the forest ruins but go to the grave robber instead.the drunken warrior will give you the…
  • lvl 74..buffed in tiger form i am at 9303. just got lvl 70 armor, did +1 refining on some of it ,added some shards. not TT armor ( which i am trying to get ) also helps to have a +11 vit tome as well!!!
  • What I do to see where i am at with str is I go to the blacksmith and see what I need to make a barb weapon for the level I am approaching. This way I have the mats I need and can be sure I got the str needed to use the weapon once it's made. If you do this you will need your blacksmith skills levelled up as well. If not,…
    in Vit vs Str Comment by May 2010
  • Psytrac and Aadi, thank yo for replying. After reading your responces, that is what happened. I looked more into the gear and noticed this. Again, thank you
  • after reading the post, this is more accurate to the events that caused my demise I was out battlin mobs to get cotton thread when i lose my duel hammers..they just wont work.I did look at my inventory, the hammers where not red, i switch over to tiger form for a bit to get more thread..i then leave, go to the…
  • i tried this earlier..not giving me an option as to what char gets the was split 3 ways between my chars..where are you seeing this so I can see what i might ahve done wrong?
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