Your idea works in theory, but it just assumes that people won't exploit it. Which isn't going to happen. PWE is one of the biggest gaming companies in the world, and formerly CRUSHED the Dow in bottom line. Your argument for financials work if the company is about to go belly up in 2 years, (HAHA IT IS NOW! Short this…
Filter circumvention is a banable offence - Ary
I partially agree here, but all that the indefiniteness does is turn the sharp influx and sharp declines of packs into a gradual rise in number of packs, items, and a gradual rise in inflation. In the long term it will damage the economy infinitely more than those short, sharp influxes.
off-topic = it doesn't help the mods, devs, financial team, companie shareholders, and the sort. We did have a few OT posts but nothing too serious. I think the charms are going to stay, cash shop charms are just too good to pass up for those cash shoppers who now have nerfed TW pay.
Please let this post be a level. Please, I don't want to grow up in such a close-minded society. I'm only 16, why does G-d (yeah you can't sue me now.) have to insult my intelligence by putting me in THIS world? Okay let me dissect your argument. For you to say this, you assume these things: 1. New players can only get…
Read thread title :] AWESOME sig btw xD