When servers are coming up anyone knows ?
Well if could add a skill to a class I would add “running skill or Chi Skills” for the class SEEKERS!! Why would I do that cause it will make that class super duper fast or strong xD
Question is how long the servers will stay shut down ? If anyone have any news about that please let us know ^^
Okay how long did it took for the download the game and do the patcher ?
So after download the game you need to update Patch too ?
You still having the problem persisting or you could fix it by any way ?
I have the same issues and I don’t know what’s going on ...... how do we fix the problem cause game so game is the laptop already and Arc is asking to install where today in the morning when I started the game it was fine .....pease give answers immediately
There is a big patch for it ? Cause it started to downloaded like one .... any news above guys ? And anyone know when servers will be up ?
is it up yet anyone can teII me pIs :( ??
3 hours past and 10 mins when the servers wiII come onIine pIs Iet us know ....thank you :)
Anyone know the size of the update tonight ...if known by anyone pIs Iet us know ..ty :)
servers are up :)
so anyone yet know the size of the patch pls let me know ? surtr if u know the size of the update pls let us know or if there is any manual patch pls let that know too
I still want to know what is the actual size of the update if anyoneknow pls let me know
It might take time to download but i think 150MB wont be the size of the patch itwill be bigger then that becoz 150MB can be the size of a content update patch but while expansion it was almost like 1-1.5GB every time soo I still need to know the size of the update .....if anyone knows about it pls let me know
the update will be only 150MB is hard to believe while its an expansion...... anyone know the right size of the update pls let me know
Can anyone let me know what is the size of the update pls or give us a manual patch