Etherblade had gold raise to 13mil/piece and higher at some point a few weeks ago
It shows the bonus for 20 gold with euro now. Still don't know what it gives though.
Supposedly if you charged e.g. 100 gold, the "spend rewards" would be per char. So if you spent silver on each char, you'd get the rewards on each char. Could anyone confirm if this still works? Or did they limit it so that you'll only be able to get the rewards on one char now?
So glitch is fixed? Just one orb per acc now? :P
So even tho the post is gone, the rewards still work?
Does this mean the rewards are no longer valid?
[img][/img] Etherblade - xxpownagerxx
War Avatar S Chest War Avatar A Chest Warsong City Chest Lords of Morai Chest Emperor Scroll of Tome
you do realise the point of rollbacks right? if there's no damage then no point in doing a rollback