well dam, that song is going to give me nightmeras now :( i wish i ever asked. I'll just make such that the next time i'm in the woods that i have my lion!!!
pedobears???? whats a pedobear, is it a cute little bear with hearts :) or is it a big mean grizzle that like to eat mean people that pick on poor defenceless girls :p
:) I know, i sorta figured that out. btw am a GIRL :eek:
It's 3:05am the 19/8/08 here in NZ & that damed count down clock hit 0 at midnight & it like YAY :D, then it strated to count up :confused: so now its reads 1 day, 4 hours, 8 min, etc & i thought wtf is going on now :mad:, so i went though the post here & found out why, said alot of words that i can't repeat here, because…
I'm from New Zealand & played PW-MY as a WF :) I can't wait until this one is up & going :D