rawkjawk Arc User


  • I am absolutely both amazed and appauled at the lack of respect pw has had for its customer base lately. We have all said this **** is a bad idea from the get go and it doesnt appear that PW gave two ****s less. I honestly use multi clienting alot to help open hh for people, open frost gate for me when im selling big rooms…
  • this is complete and utter nonesense. I dont know where you got your calculations from or if you just made them up or what but they are way off. A month or two to get a 10x char lol dude try 1.5 yrs which is the amount of time it took me to level my barb to 100. and i was logged in literally all the time or at least half a…
  • Many of us aps sins rely heavily upon an income of selling frost room. Who are we to decide if someone wants to power level or not. Much if not all of my income has been through selling frost and I have been a loyal customer to pw for over four years now and will admit that I have spent real money on this game. We can…
  • I'm updating now to see if anything happens as far as any virus being detected. Whats weird is all of the update notes that usually appear in English are now in some foreign language like dutch or french or some ****. Really not sure whats going on. Also im beginning to wonder if something in the patch code is a false…
  • frankie get your *** back to pw as a gm and gimme my dag mold :D lol ffs how many times do i need to run it ~estro_gen~
  • a lot of people have been disconnecting randomly and can not log in afterwords. Something is going on with the server it seems. People are also unable to speak in guild chat as well as do any form of trading.
  • nvm i read the post wrong.