Professor Plum?
Loeki, so you know I'm not talking out of turn, Tefalzor is one of my characters. (My apologies for this will likely be a long post). I'm sorry to see you have taken this decision to withdraw and, as it comes off the back of the multi-account/character (ab)user, it looks like they have, to a point, by disrupting the…
We're allowed 2 entries, right? Tefalzor; Archer on HT (current level: 23) A bit of a cheeky if somewhat eccentric chap, in the quieter times he often goes off at a tangent. Sometimes keeping his attention at those times is easier said than done but truly loyal and he always offers his best and fullest commitment when…
Tanata; Wiz on HT (current level: 27) A cheerful wiz, always strives to be looking on the bright side, passing things off with a smile, sincere yet bold. Occasionally this boldness in attitude results in fleeting moments of disdain, depending upon others but is always able and willing to laugh it all off later.
These are all really good! In order of best to 5th best, my scoring would be.... Ahhh-ha-ha-ha!! Ohh noooo, I'm not telling that! All I'll say is Mandarina got my official unofficial vote. GL to all in the comp.
It amazes me how there seems to be so many people that are willingly, extremely vociferous in trying to stymie the notion of lower cash shop prices. Perversely, a cheaper cash shop would potentially be a very real benefit to these same people! WHY? Fair enough, there is a choice but I wonder if these people have any idea…