The adults who sit and complain and blame everything that is bad on teenagers and children- Are just as bad, rude and ignorant as the teenagers and children who are doing bad things themselves. Smarten up- Even people your age can be insensitive jerks, *******s and enjoy messing up others game experiences as much as…
Clearly you're agreeing with me- Because this bean-headed insult is all you can muster. Either that or you'e ran out of things to back up your flawed argument with. -cough- And no, I am not ****. Thank you very much, keep your flameing to yourself.
Ok, you do not get a cookie. Here is why; ANY game developer who KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING- would first and foremost fix what is wrong with the current gameplay/gamemode problems before adding new material, it's potentially devastating.. Never open another pandora's box, while you already have one open. They putting too…
Good job, if you can find me 5 good tings they've done a good job on to improve the GAME PLAY and not the CASH FLOW within the past 5 months; I will give you a big, fat cookie. ONLY THEN- can you call people idiots. Right now, you have a little brown on your nose. Let me get that for you (:
Happy I could shed some lightened humor onto this horrible situation o-o
One night in a mystical world known as Perfect World, a well known and sought after item called the Anniversary pack was briefly robbed from everyone's favorite boutique, the cash shop! (After previously being taken away/returned 2 times already!) Many celebrated while many cried, many thought they would rest their heads…
Such a big bark- Yet, no bite. The topic is agreeable- However; Prices will go down, as soon as the peoples pockets you have filled deplete. Other then that, I cannot see gold prices dropping for a long time to come. It takes all of the idiots to cooperate and start buying/selling lower to actually lower any price, and…