Holy path is great for all of the above. Psychics are really REALLY slow...if you see someone waayyyy over THERE that you want to kill without them noticing a psychic slowly chugging up, you holy path over to them, you are there in an instant, and they are dead. Again, psychics are horribly if something goes…
Several people have mentioned using a bow to purge the buffs, or purge the psychic buffs in some other way...but that doesnt work. Taking any damage will trigger soul of stunning and soul of retaliation. After that, the psychic will have 3 buffs, soul of vengeance, soul of silence, and voodoo. The only removable buff is…
Seekers are pretty easy, I generally use SoS to start the fights vs them, because the only stun they have is telestun, and that wont trigger SoR. SoS will outlast their telestun with their next hit, so after it triggers, I just toss up psychic will, and either soulburn them or just smack them around a bit with normal spam…
I have a 72, full mag psychic right now Both my spam skills are level 10, and the aqua and earth spirit masteries are level 6-7 I believe. Assuming the mob I'm fighting has no special weaknesses/resistances to earth and water, using black voodoo, and no jones blessing, i usually do around 5.8-6.2k with each of the skills.…
Don't feed the trolls...
@Magefizban I have nothing to contribute to this discussion, but props for the colored text in preparation for the quote...that was pro.
Fair enough :)
Refer to my second post in this thread...
I certainly hope you have engineers working on the issue, but this is more of an attempt to judge the confidence of the playerbase, rather than an attempt to get factual information on the problem...
While there are many MANY places ingame that rubberbanding occurs at, the easiest by far to reproduce, and one of the more annoying occurs when dropping from a standstill in air, to an NPC's head. This will produce a rubberband effect when attempting to get off the NPC 99% of the time. A simple way to completely eliminate…