From what i see , the german server is more populated than the french one and i have better ping on it. I think it has the potential to become a big server if all the eu players will come and play again on it and maybe if they advertise a bit.
Thank you for the info. I just installed the game and i saw i have a good ping on both eu servers , as for population , i can't say yet , all the servers were "medium" i idk how much accurate is the game's info. I don't know which server to choose yet , seeing that both are PvE
oh no , you are so smart..... i never said the said the game wasn't running smooth, i just said i am annoyed by the obvious delay. And i really can't understand why you jump into a subject insulting somebody ( me , in this case ). PS: I hope you can see that i didn't insulted you. The thing is that, except 1 person , none…
ok , maybe i exagerated a bit with the 100 ping , but over 150 and 200 it's quite annoying for me , the delay it's way to big
so the servers are empty?
I think everybody is entitled to have preferences right?
thank you
so if I'm a hardcore gamer that plays day and night and makes a decent level fast what is the most disputated server on terr wars?
I stoped asking.Thanks thats very nice of them.Lost City it is!!!
man i'm not quiting because I DID NOT PLAYED THE GAME FOR 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just tring to get reasons why to play!!!!!!!!!Do you get any satisfaction in flaming?Did you saw any of the people above you flame?On a forum you tell your opinion without insulting. However, my other question is still without answer.What…
i don't say I WANT I say WE WANT.i know alot of people that want a new server.They will probally won't open a new server but it worth trying.Anyway if i want to start all over again.Witch server would you recomand.I allready have chars on harshlands and lost city but if one of this 2 are a good server to start again, it's…
There are 5 servers right now, why wouldn't they make another ONE.Im pretty sure that if a good amount of players would start all over again they will make more money.oh and one more thing ,if pw would turn buy to play tomorow i'll be the first who will buy.
so only jd gets an expansion.....i'm sad.......but still i want to stop playing cabal and start playing PW The edit: there is an expansion for pw so should i still hope?
I was looking for that to and here are my conclusions: Reasons for playing again: One of the best F2P games Many players Reasons for not playing again: -"fake" F2P.I mean you can do everything but you will not have money unless u spend a decent amount of real money. -Boring skills>Boring grind -Overpowered guild>There must…
But for how long are they online.I think i have a char on Harshlands:(
No, the acc will remain the same.
thx a lot karmelia
The bad thing is that now when i have to kill a monster for a quest i look at the name and :O what the .... is this?
i know that not all the names are bad but look at the NPC names ... mu lu hu etc. and the names of the citys in stead of Ancient Dragon City for example Archosaur ? ...
One more thing, will the name of the NPCs will remain this way ? i mean they are a lot of mu lu ho etc..
I'm playing the game and i see 2 problems : 1. in City Of The Lost there is a cliff where when u want to jump you remain in air 2. If i put the game in taskbar and i reopen it ,when i click it goes back in taskbar. Just that , anyways this is a CB with very few bugs.
u go to the guild manager in ancient dragon city, u pay 100k and u have a lvl1 guild.The bad thing is that u have just 9 chars for the guild name i hope they changed that.To upgrade to a lvl 2 guild u pay another 200k and for lvl 3 i don't remember but i think it is 300 or 400k.
i think i will try to make some of my friends play in my ritm so we can do the fbs togeter
i tought that....:(
hmmmm... I'll be the first who will use this name so what do u say is "0"
I have the same opinion like Junk.The game was already tested so the CB should be a simple formality(at least i hope)but still can some official tell us something about it?