prancerhood Arc User


  • any info on how much it will be delayed? i don't want to accidentally receive it on the wrong character so i'd rather stay offline until the stone arrives
  • and i'm sure no one from PWE forum editors sees a problem with the fact that half the forum is stuck this way. incredible.
  • it's extremely irritating that this thread has been opened since april (i think?) and it doesn't seem like anything has been fixed yet If I click 'edit your avatar' i only have the stone face option, if i try editing my avatar through User CP I only had one broken icon of a barb+my outdated level that i used last year when…
  • I know this post is old, but I have the exact same problem. I got some clothes from the questmaster, tried them on and they were godawful. They are supposed to disappear in 2 weeks, but I really want my old pants back and I can't find a way to do that. Did you ever find a solution to your problem?