Decompose a weapon or armor and you will recieve the stones. The better quality, the more stones you will recieve. They also, need to be in decient shape. If either has a very low durability, then, they won't crush them for you.
Look in the southern part of the Crimson Stronghold. Bringing a Cleric friend would help. He has 65000 hp. I saw a group of 3 players fighting one earlier today. I guess to damage it some, so, the 3rd person could get the credit for their quest. I think they were taking turns at it.
When attacking near a mountain, the foe, runs into the mountain and attacks from within it. In my case, it was from a "Forest Chimei Hunter" in the "Lizard Stalker Tribe", at (211,288). Links below: Me, getting Shot at from inside of the Mountain: Me, not being able to run away fast enough, to draw it back out, so, I could…
Geez Tsubakey, With 418 post so far, I think you caused more rage, than, whatever message, you are trying to send us with that bright flashing banner in your signature. It reminds me of those bad ads I have seen elsewhere on the internet. Are you trying to SPAM us with bad flashing ads 418 times in the forum as we search…
Thanks. Yea. I see some of the map has changed since, yesterday. Everything South of the City of Plume wasn't there. What I had found too, was that the teleports were not all activated after I spoke to the Teleport person. For example, I spoke to one at a village, and it may open a path to one, but, not another village.…
Sorry, for bumping an older thread, but, it is on a similar topic. Teleport Waypoint Cost. I noticed it was 200 from a nearby village to a main town, and 1000 from main Town to another main Town. I flew around the map with my Cleric (unlimited flight). I sought out the Teleport person in each town, and the more I find the…
Male. I too have tried the Veno. I wished there was a male option there. I can deal with the female only thing, but, wouldn't mind a long cloak/trenchcoat type of armor, instead of the battle bikini thing. I'm a guy, but, I'm not into checking out the CGI characters, lol. I view the Veno more of a Summoner type of class,…