In pvp servers, people generally level faster because there's a constant threat to be killed around you. Getting killed constantly by people generally has 2 effects on people: 1) They QQ and quit or, 2) they grind harder to outlevel the person that killed them. That threat isn't really present on pve servers.
Did you really just comment on someone else's English failing?
his gx is also +8, you plan on getting one of those too? rofl. seriously hop off the barb > all class posts, you're getting more annoying than mysticlifex claiming FAC > wiz for dd. oh, and btw, his 33k was a crit, so yea..
. Sanctuary had nothing to do with what the OP was talking about, so bringing it up here was pointless. That's what Maiya meant with her post.
Never vacced once, played since OB on Trieste in DIE, if you even know what DIE is, lowbie scrub. I have 15x the experience you do on 2moons, there has never been a rollback due to vac hacking. The servers have been RESTARTED WHICH IS NOT THE SAME AS A ROLLBACK to get mobs out of the walls. If you don't understand that,…
Extreme? ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I don't give a **** about dekaron private servers you stupid ignorant little boy. I could care less if there was a rollback on a private server, and if you fail to read, I clearly stated "lvl 159 2moons TRIESTE." If you played the OFFICIAL SERVER instead of a PRIVATE SERVER you would know…
You're a dumb**** kid, I'm lvl 159 on 2moons Trieste so tell your lowbie 105 friend to stop sucking **** and level a little faster. THERE. HAS. NEVER. BEEN. A. ROLLBACK. ON. 2MOONS. Your chars were NOT deleted due to a rollback, if anything they were deleted BECAUSE OF THE MISSING CHAR/DIL BUG YOU ****ING SCRUB,…
2moons NEVER had a rollback because of vac hacking you idiot, the servers were constantly being restarted (WHICH IS NOT BEING ROLLEDBACK) to get the mobs out of the walls. Please don't even begin to compare PWI to 2moons. 2moons has failed so ridiculously hard that bots and vacs now run the game. The GMs there are…
The fact is we shouldn't have to wait "slowly but surely" as it was never supposed to happen in the first place. I guarantee you 99% of the people who suddenly got an influx of ingame coin from gold selling were people who originally sold the cash shop item to NPCs. If they weren't, they wouldn't have had enough money to…
Edit: nvm.
Lesson: don't skip school.
please just uninstall this game now, selfish ****bags like you are unwanted here anyway.
Yep, roll back is necessary.
Do that plz and then get kicked from every party for having absolutely terrible heals. Full MAG for clerics, always. As Forp said, get the HP from equips.
IQ is not a fixed mean, but rather a given base with a standard deviation of ~15 both ways. This makes the average IQ somewhere between 85-115, not directly 100. According to you, someone with an IQ of 99 is below average, which is incorrect. Children's IQ is based off of a ratio rather than a deviation. It is calculated…
cap vit at 50, rest into str/dex. look @ lyndura's guide (it's stickied) on how to distribute your stats for each wep.
I find the fact that you butcher the English language offensive, so I'm going to start the movement to have ******* like you educated before you're allowed to post.
lol, yeah you can do well in this game without spending real money. You'll need alot of in-game coin though, so be prepared to spend alot of your time selling eqs/mats etc for profit to other players.
Omfg Lvl 3 Srsly? @ topic: It doesn't matter what build you use for PVE, as long as you kill mobs without dieing you're fine. For PVP, restat to pure int at 100 imo. I can honestly say, from experience on the MY server, that full int mages definitely outshine light armor in every aspect of the game (except tanking, lul).
You're serious?
So, wait. You've "spent three years in prison" and ***** and cry about PK being removed on a PVE server? lol, you must have been the prison asstoy with your pathetic QQing about people who brag about PK on a PVE server. Oh, and LOL at your attempt to sound intelligent in your last post; * Irony at it's finest. I didn't…
Yes, it is. It does absolutely NOTHING for BMs AT ALL. 50 more MP is absolutely, 100% useless.
QQ more scrub.
Uninstall this game and proceed to either: a) sell your computer, or b) play hello kitty island adventure. You're either mentally challenged (although even those with an excuse don't make themselves look as stupid as you just did here), or you have extreme carebear related anger management issues that need to be resolved…
Ok my **** little friend, you're clearly ignorant (and obviously stupid) if you just continually ignore what everyone has to say. 1. Comment on Demon Spirit's Gift when you hit 92 and actually have it. 2. As it has been said already, plume shot will never, ever kill a wizard in 1 shot... ever. 3. You're level 59 on a PvE…