I don't see how thats annoying but whatever floats your boat. So someone answer my recent question.
Writing Like What??
Well Thats Good, That Makes It Fair. If Anyone Knows The Full-Game Release Feel Free To Inform Me (Please). Hmm.. What Should I Ask Next.. What Happens When A Player Dies? Do You Lose EXP, Or Items, Or What?
Thank You For The Link. Here's Another Question. Is It Possible To Become A Moderator And If So How And What Benefits Do They Have?
Ok Next Question, Is This Game 100% Free Or Is There Any Money Involved?
You Are Awsome!!!! I Love You LOLZ!!!! I'm Like The Biggest Noob So You Can Imagine How Much That Helped Me!!!!
Thank You. Now, More Questions. When Will The Game Be Release (Not The Beta). And Also, Iv'e Been Hearing The Word "Mobs" Alot. What Are "Mobs"?
What About Highest LVL A Monster/Enemy Can Be???
Thank you! XD
Highest LVL