Heya - I've found a problem with the pet skills. I've got a Frogling pet that I'm trying to level, and according to a thread on this forum it was suggested getting Shrill for him. So I went to Mrs Zoologist, bought a forget scroll and a Shrill scroll, for 100k and 900k respectively. Used my forget scroll to forget 'Shriek'…
Thanks for that, I'll report it. Real pain that I wasted all that money forgetting and trying to relearn a skill that I already had! :(
Hi Guys I'd really love to talk to someone about joining Sinful, if you're still recruiting. I'm a level 38 Venomancer and looking for a mature, friendly, helpful guild, and the comments from people who have recently joined have convinced me this is the right one! :) I will message ingame too, but if I don't catch anyone…