peaceskyboy Arc User


  • Lol nobody blamed BL though. Volt doesnt have volt drama. Never had any complaints of Volt. If there are any ppl making volt look bad they're handled. There are no liars maybe besides you who wont reveal yourself lol , fac hoppers? Sorry i dont remember allowing one in the fac, apps has been rejected. So you gogogo have…
  • Lol Volt had 20 for start of can volt hav 30 if only 25 was online? And not all 25 was in tw. Lot of members didnt have enough hrs. We did not recruit just for BL volt recruits heavy generally to actually tw more. Thats our goal tyvm. Bl ignored our gate towers to get inside base. reason why theu was inside. And…
  • Lol 25min isnt rolling another fac...8mins is a roll. Its sad because SC is still an alt fac, explain the fact that you took few members from vici and for some reason they're back in Vici? Volt is still new and we had our fun especially the fact you cLLed us weak but yet u needed to spawn kill i find that hilarious!!!…