@kalystconquerer#0876 Duskblades dont have that weap x.x
@kalystconquerer#0876 no fash weap for Duskblade ? whyyyy ? =/ =/
Ye, i know. But in those BIG UPDATES they were so awesome and we could update manually b4 it was released to automatic update. Well, thank you anyway for your repply.
@surtr , Any chance that you give us a link to be downloading the update while waiting the maint ?
Spiiider would like OMFG
* ☆Puzzle Cube Badge - Vain +5 * ☆☆Silent Negation * Ether Jade x120 * Gold-Plated Iron x80 * Rough Iron Shard x315 * Blood Spirit Stone x340 * Rough Blood Stone Shard x335 * Identity Stone x1 * Elysean Seal x90 * Subsiding Dirt x1000 * Supply Token x315 * Soldier's Pay x2000 * Dragonlord's Coin x1100 * Basic Badge x139 *…
Ether Jade x120 Gold-Plated Iron x80 Rough Iron Shard x315 Blood Spirit Stone x340 Rough Blood Stone Shard x335 Identity Stone x1 Elysean Seal x90 Subsiding Dirt x1000 Supply Token x315 Dragonlord's Coin x1000 Basic Badge x139 Grand Commander's Order x1 Vitae Pill x165 Training Exoterica x34 Blood Battle Soul: Resist x1…
Will orbs be bound to the account ?
and give us Orb Sale too :wink:
@orinj Well, i didnt read what every1 asked as a compensation, but i think some War Avatar Chest A, some Pack A/S and/or more event golds would help a bit to compensate ppl that lost the last gift since i dont know what else you gold sent us as a gift.
And pig sale
@thenamesdomino if you wanna do something for every1 and not a fiasco thing, why dont you make one code that can be redeemed for all accounts ? this way there will be no fiasco thing. :wink:
Hey @thenamesdomino , is this spend reward just once per toon ? cuz i've charged and spent 375 gold just to finish my full +10 and just received one of each, but the news dont say its just once and all others spend rewards are like at least 10 times per tear... What should i do ?
Ye, true... Archers are in need of something new.... =/
some venons told me that the respawn of Derjan is not happening and the same happens with the Dodo.. Try to fix it :)