Hmmm I wonder if they truly are international. From the perspective of the devs, it is international seeing they are in China. From that perspective: china ---> US = international. And judging from their actions thus far, they clearly have no intention of making PWI truly international, they might as well call it PWUS as…
Can you please direct me to wher you got the information that says "PW-MY paid a decent sum to have no IP block?" Please, I am interested, as this is quite the interesting move if it is true.
*Sigh* I can understand how the admins and those in charge of the servers feel now having to deal with people that only listen to themselves. Pay attention. People claim that if PW-US do not heed their demands they will go and play PW-MY. Therefore, according to that logic, PW-US and PW-MY are competing. This logic is…
Sorry for double post... But for those that still think PW-US is competing with other PW versions, you are so wrong. Try contacting customer support and you will get told the same thing I have been telling you. Please refer to the support section: "Is my country blocked? I can't access the…
I agree with you on this. Even though it appears like PWI has a very large customer base currently, realistically only a certain percentage of those customers are actually paying customers. I am sure that the nonpaying customers are the majority among the whole. The best thing to do would be to start off with low…
>.> copy-pasta time...
I agree with you on this. Even though it appears like PWI has a very large customer base currently, realistically only a certain percentage of those customers are actually paying customers. I am sure that the nonpaying customers are the majority among the whole. The best thing to do would be to start off with low…
Well there are two things I absolutely hate: elitists and bullies. Since most (if not all) pvp servers are just crawling with elitists, I'll rather stay away from those scum that have not yet learned the value of humility. And since pvp servers have free-reign PK, it gives the option to those "sick" players to randomly PK…
That made my day. I found this post^ quite entertaining to read. Hmm I guess I belong in the "(Even more players/guilds/person) suddenly has an opinion on the matter and the battle spills unto the general chat in long lists." category.
Having been a forums moderator myself (from another site), the chat does not work. It eventually turns into a spam fest and will just give more work for the moderators and admins to supervise the chat. I'd rather have their efforts focused else where. And besides, what's to say they will even care about the chat?
This is just a general chat now lol. But judging from human nature, noone is going to read any of this anyways. At most the next few guys that post after us will, but other than that, it'll be: "I'll just click and skip to the last page."
Sorry I just used "PW-EU" simply because it was the best and shortest description for that particular version. On another note, totally off-topic, I wouldn't mind a true international version where all countries in the world could log onto one server. I kind of miss that aspect of FFXI...
All too true. The problems will still be at hand. But I'm merely trying to state that competition between the various versions will not be a valid argument because the IP block function does exist. And regardless of what they say now, it can be changed at anytime at their own discretion. Also, according to their contracts…
Thank you for the rude response. But they do not have to keep their words. ;) You of all people should know that.
Just to let you know... In no way what-so-ever is PW-MY and PW-EU in competition with PW-US. There is a thing called IP block of foreign countries, the japanese are notorious for this. Many of us that are dying for certain japanese MMOs (Monster Hunter Frontier! T_T) that will never release in US are painfully aware of…
Imo, pvp is only good when it is in a controlled environment, where it is a battle of brawns and brains. In a free pvp environment, it just becomes a bullying fest and basically who can backstab the other faster.
Hi, I'm 21, single and like long walks on the beach. My ingame name is Parshath and I'm an alcoholic. I am very adept at PVP and consider myself a master strategist (pardon my bragging but I'm... addicted to strategy games), however I prefer PVE over PVP anyday. I'd love to join a mature community instead of the typical…