yea good luck pack isnt working for me either
yeea it may be on sale but only for 5 days and this is for future sales notcurrent and some of us cant buy gold in a short window o time like this Kaly : This event allows for people to plan a bit ahead of time for items they like. And this will also lengthen the time on certain items that normally don't have such a long…
easy Illusionary crystals lol Kaly : Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
lol you want the leopard i want the battle bot for my veno, i'mjust confused is it all class battle pet or just battle pet for veno, i seen another class with it and thought it was just a **** pet that looked kool, but just seen a venp use it in battle
have you guys tried getting in yet
i'm going to assume PWI hasnt said anything about it?
yeea i'm seeing that as well had to make a toon on twilight(west) for now
Server:Tideswell Faction:Domguard Leader:PapaKraven Website: N/A
yeea i lost all the items due to not having space :( and i cleared out my bag and tried but no luck