pandalovin Arc User


  • ya this game is a rip off if you think about it i don't know why i even spent my monney on it if this is all i get to show i wanted a white outfit but i got a black dress green shoes and blue gloves... see if i ever spend monney on this **** agian unless they deside to stop being -blank-'s and actuly let us pick the color…
  • b:shocked you mean i got to uninstal and copy his b:cry oh god this is going to be a pain in the b:shutup
  • you guys are eather lazy or just don't care because i know how easy it is to redirect the download i know you guys can nock down perfect world for a day or two week max and reset the download fix the patch and get this game running so it doesn't take a month to figure out how to get it to run you guys are just lazy :p or…