i am a support cleric so everything that would have to do with a squad is maxed it just bothered me maxing ress, even though i has happy to have it in some cases. its just a benefit for others and none at all for me. but most cases was ressing bad party members.
party buffs are uselss besides that they longer and i hated lvling resurrect, everyone was saying " its your job you have to have it" no i dont, my job is to keep the squad alive, not to prepare for it to die. getting a higher ress benefits everyone but the cleric (even though its the clerics coin and spirit). to my ress…
but since they added dex instead of vit they increase their evasion, and crit rate = damage. so pretty much its how you look at it. with vit your are making yourself prepared to take a hit, with dex you are trying to avoid the damage and counter with higher dps.
it was a reply to someone, but youre just typical like your reply.
Morty just seems to be a biased **** that believes he is always right just from what i know a fist bm will win. higher hp, stun skills, heavy armor, its a fist bm so it has a lot of dex so its pretty equal to a sin with stats (not buffs) and dont forget the phys def increases. a sin has stealth, sleep, and crits. thats…
agreed with adding no vit people are just dumb lately and im surprised if you know anything about any mmorpg assassins (rogues) are crit bassed character and are generally squishy but the crit damage will be insane
yea totally cuz they didnt just come out with a huge update that changed A LOT. including certain text, icons, interface, and a **** more.
the reason why is because assassins are dex based and dex needs to stack before it starts to show its like an archer except archers didnt have that much of a problem since they were ranged at later lvls im sure a dex assassin wont have any problems at all
im a cleric and pretty upset that TB will be able to reduce our healing power that upsets me im sure TB will be an overpowered race if gms dont adjust it
they could just be a high lvl that has a lot of coin just from playing the game i know people who dont buy gold and have 20m, and last i saw oracles were at like 100k? so thats like 200 oracles at 100k a peice.
i honestly find it ridiculous that people are asking this question its an assassin (rogue) if you know anything about any mmorpg you know that they are crit based do just enough str for LA and weapon and dump the rest in dex its basically a melee archer FFS
for cleric pvp i would recommend a LA cleric it evens out def so youre not lacking on either side you also gain a better crit ratio which fo pvp is good
[X] Lie about your res level its a benefit for them, not me. [xX] Say that you don't have any pots, and get pots from squad members (bonus point if you actually do have pots) i do it sometimes to make sure i have enough pots and a little extra [X ] Occasionally ditch/teleport away/stop healing a bad tank for being fail and…
Do you... [ ] Lie about your res level [ ] Not even level your res [x] Say that you don't have any pots, and get pots from squad members (bonus point if you actually do have pots) [x] Occasionally ditch/teleport away/stop healing a bad tank for being fail and cause a party wipe (bonus point if you have done this 10+ times)…