oolong Arc User


  • First of all, the servers aren't supposed to be up yet. Second of all, right now the PVP servers for east and west seem to be up.
  • Search function? How about the "look on the front page for the 20 other CB wipe threads" function?
    in Wipe? Comment by oolong August 2008
  • When you make or contribute to a "You Know You're a Perfect World Fanatic When..." list.
  • For all intents and purposes, it is. Other servers have billed themselves as "International". Basically, this version is the US and Canada version, and any other country that doesn't have a server can sort of hop on. By "International", they pretty much mean "The US market".
  • The FAQ says closed beta will last a month. The FAQ is a good thing to look over when you have a question. ;)
  • I've actually NEVER seen support this good for a free-to-play MMO. At least- great support seems to be indicated by the forum presence here. I'm very surprised, honestly. Most Free to Play MMOs that I've seen, ESPECIALLY those imported from asia....are done rather lazily. They think, "Oh. We can host this, get some tech…
  • I really don't care about unfair advantages or whatnot, honestly. Everyone is going to reach the level cap eventually. But I can go with whatever, y'know. Go with the flow, it's just a game and all that. ^_^
  • The item mall is probably comparable to the item malls in the other versions of the game. Which would be perfectly fine for me. The item mall never seemed game-breaking for the people who were playing free, though some of the items were a bit enticing...like special mounts and fashions. But overall, nothing really broke…
    in Item Mall Comment by oolong July 2008
  • Venomancer is the only thing I don't like. It focuses way too much on the poison, and way, way too little on the pets. And the pets are definitely, by far, their most prominant feature. Everything else I think I like more, other than Blademaster for the non sword-users.
    in Class Names Comment by oolong July 2008
  • A little reward might be kinda nice, but getting an early look at a no-engrish and up-to-date version of Perfect World will be good enough. ^_^
  • Definitely a Barbarian. There's just something awesome about being a Panda that transforms into a white tiger.
    in What class? Comment by oolong July 2008
  • I have been playing the Malaysian version for some time, and was shocked to see Perfect World mentioned on...oh, I can't remember. It was Joystiq or Kotaku or something like that. And it was about this, and I said "Well, I'm definitely going to give this a shot!"
  • The broken english translation is almost a plus for the Malaysian server, it's kind of charming. I enjoy reading it. The story is easy enough to piece together from the Malaysian translation. But it'll be nice to see the product get all polished and feel like a legitimate US release. It's a very pretty game, esspecially on…