onyx8888 Arc User


  • 5 of my characters on 3 different accounts were on for 24+ hours at different times during the said dates, none of them have recieved any fashion. i have been patient and no sent in any tickets because I know there ticketing system must be overloaded by greedy players right now. I will wait until the morning of the 19th to…
  • Name: BootyCamp Guild Level: 3 Req's: Active Level 85+ (100+ sins) Leader: WebGoddess Site: bootycamp.shivtr.com Please apply today!!! we TW almost every week and have a lot of fun. If you have vent thats even better:) Come and join us and get some booty today xD
  • I have 5 characters that i took in and out of PK mode and had online for 10 hours straight, none of them have received the fashion. I would submit tickets from all of them but my account is unable to submit a ticket because i can't verify the email on my account since it got deleted long ago. I have sent in multiple…